Simple tips to help you save money on groceries without using coupons! Once upon a time I was an extreme couponer. Well maybe not that extreme, but I would spend hours planning, cutting and sorting coupons before heading out to the grocery store. I still enjoy scoring a great deal that enables me to stock …
Jesenia Montanez
My neck of the woods has experienced record snowfalls this winter. And with another storm approaching, it doesn’t appear that there is an end in sight. I’m dreaming of the day we go on vacation to enjoy the hot sun and beautiful sandy beaches of Florida. So today I’m sharing 7 things that we do, …
Want to work from home, but don’t know what to do? Do you find that you spend hours researching work at home opportunities, only to come up with scams? Yup, that was me for many years. Each time I was in between jobs or spending the day at home with a sick child, the desire …