It’s not secret that our family enjoys traveling and checking out new places. Is something we budget for since it’s very important to our family. However, we’re very strategic about where we go and when we go in order to keep costs low. This means that we tend to travel off-season and we rarely take …
Jesenia Montanez
A look at my top takeaways from SoFabU On The Road. A grant was provided to me by Collective Bias, Inc. All opinions are mine alone. #SoFabUOTR #CollectiveBias I recently attended a blogging conference in New York City with my oldest daughter. I’m pretty picky about which conferences I attend since they can be pricey …
I’m sure that many of you are excited to spend the summer with your kids and go on new adventures. However, it’s only a matter of time before they start to get bored and you start to countdown the days until school begins. Although we’re a homeschooling family, I feel that summer brings a new …
Like I’ve mentioned a few times around here, my toddler has entered a very interesting phase. She’s throwing tantrums, testing her limits and at times, she’s flat out refusing to listen. She’s also showing signs that might indicate that she’s ready for potty training. Although, I’m not sure if it’s just my wishful thinking playing …
Today was rough. I think my toddler has entered the “terrible twos” phase. She’s only 19 months old. Plus I had some work that needed to be submitted and my older kids were gone, so I was left to fend for myself. I texted my husband several times to complain since I had no one …