I enjoy decorating our home and trying out different styles. But if you’ve seen some of our spaces, you’ll notice that I like to keep things simple. I’m not a fan of clutter and that has also influenced the way I decorate our home. I find that a minimalist decor style is not for everyone. In fact, I’ve had some people comment that my home looks a bit plain. I get that my style is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally love it. So I wanted to share why I embrace a minimalist style and the benefits I’ve personally experienced.
Why I Embrace A Minimalist Decor Style
I spend less money
Yes, less decor means less money spent, but the benefits extend beyond that. Since I’m only willing to invest money on pieces I love, when I go to a Target or HomeGoods store, I’m not mindlessly tossing things into my cart. It also means that I focus on buying quality pieces that I can keep up throughout the year and not just seasonally. This approach has saved us a lot of money and time.
I spend less time
Since our home is decorated very simply, I don’t spend extra time dusting things off or shuffling stuff around. This alone is worth it for me. The fact that I can clean my home without devoting an entire day to it has been great. Now I wouldn’t consider myself a true minimalist based on some of the standards I’ve seen. However, I do believe that quality of life is more important than stuff. I don’t mind driving an older car or living in a smaller home because it gives us freedom in other areas. This is the same approach I have within our home and the things we own.
Our home looks bigger
When you go on a house tour you’ll notice that it’s tastefully decorated without being overdone. Real estate experts know that a space will appear larger when there’s less stuff out. I personally find that our space is more inviting and calming, since we don’t have several things fighting for our attention. I only put out pieces that I love which helps keep our clutter to a minimum. I want to love what I own without allowing it to own me.
We don’t focus on stuff
I love our home. I’ve never been able to say that before because we lived in spaces that had major issues or because I felt the need to keep up with everyone else. But once I embraced our small space and realized that I’m blessed to live here, I was able to stop focusing on superficial things. Do I enjoy having a beautiful space? Of course! But it no longer dictates how I spend my time or money. There so much freedom in that and I’m glad that it didn’t take me a lifetime to figure it out.
What is your decorating style? Do you enjoy lots of decor pieces? Or do you keep it to a minimum? I’d love to hear from you!
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