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30 Day Purge Challenge {Day 4}

The 30 Day Purge Challenge. Will you join me? For 30 days I will purge five items each day in order to de-clutter and get rid of excess from our home.
In case you missed the initial post; I’m currently doing a 30 day purge challenge where I choose five items each day that I have to donate, sell or trash.

A day late, but here’s the results of yesterday’s purge. I’m already finding that this challenge is motivating me to continue embracing a simple and minimalist lifestyle. Stuff creates clutter, clutter needs to be managed, and managing clutter takes time. I rather spend my time with my family and doing the things I love. Shifting items from one room to another is not how I want to waste my time. Funny how in this country people will buy things to fill up their homes and then complain that their house is too small. So they either pay for extra space to store the junk they filled it with or get a bigger home. Eventually, they run out of space again.

I want my kids to learn that there’s more to life than things. That they need to focus on falling in love with culture, people and experiences. Not clothes, gadgets and things that they don’t necessarily need. Do I enjoy buying a new outfit here and there? Absolutely. I also enjoy buying camera gadgets or tech toys that I use for my blog. However, I also know my limit and don’t allow those things to determine my value or happiness.

Anyway back to the stuff that went out the door yesterday: 2 jackets that belonged to my daughter. She picked these out herself and has been on her own purging spree after returning from Guatemala. I truly think the simple lifestyle there rubbed off on her.

I also got rid of a cake stand, a vase that I had on my kitchen table and a candle holder/candle that was on my kitchen counter.

How are you making out? I know it’s a holiday weekend, but don’t quit. You’ll be glad when you get the extra breathing room in your home.

New here? Check out some previous posts on this topic to help you get started:

Why You Need To Stop Organizing Right Now!

5 Easy Steps To Help You Get Rid Of Clutter

Free Home Management Printables

My Journey Towards A Minimalist Lifestyle

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  1. Alexandra says:

    Love that your daughter is inspired too!

    Warm Regards,